In early 2012 I was telling a friend about my first floating experience. My friend was excited to try it but only a dozen or so float centers were available in the US. We found a float center 3 hours way in Chicago and booked an appointment.

My friend loved it and came out with a beautiful glow. Yours truly got a burnt bottom, and that is what started an adventure down the path to building float tanks.

Building a float tank seemed like the best option for deep exploration. There were a plethora of learning curves along the way. We built our first tank only to find ways to improve on the design. Then we built another, and another, and another, it just kept going and it is still going on today.  

Today FTS has built over a half dozen models, upgrading each one along the way by modifying each design to further enhance the floating experience. This led us to working with other businesses and creating new systems. We have had the pleasure of working with experts in a wide range of fields. Floating has brought us great experiences inside and outside of the tank beyond our expectations.

After selling a few of our own tanks we started helping other people sell their float tanks too, and that is how the Float Tank Buy Sell Trade started. We have helped hundreds of people buy, sell, or trade their float tanks all over the world and we are so happy to see how far floating has come!

However, we have exhausted resources and have to slow down the research and development we have been conducting on our new designs. Why are we are doing R&D? We have made advancements in the way a float tank is designed and performs. We want to finish up the new systems we have created and integrate that into new designs.

FTS takes a different approach towards certain elements of floating that have some significant advantages, we just need help with funding. Our aim is finish creating an advanced functioning float tank that almost anyone can enjoy.

Your donation is extremely helpful and will make a difference! It will go directly toward maintaining this site and creating our new float tanks.

Thank you for your interest.

Tanks again,
